Must Reads Complete List


Must Reads Complete List Online.

Arnheim, Rudolph. Art and Visual Perception
Bergson, Henri. Matter And Memory
Bergson, Henri. Creative Evolution
Blanchot, Maurice. The Space of Literature.
Cassetti, Francesco. The relocation of cinema
Chion, Michel. The Voice in Cinema.
Chion, Michel. Audio-Vision
Chion, Michel. Film A Sound Art
Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 1. The Movement Image.
Deleuze Gilles. Cinema 2. The Time Image.
Metz, Christian. The Imaginary Signifier.
Metz, Christian. Aural Objects
Perez, Gilberto. Imperfection
Perez, Gilberto. Toward a Rhetoric of Film: Identification and the Spectator
Turquety, Benoît. Inventing Cinema. Machines, Gestures and Media History

Recommended Film Studies Reading List 

King's College London: Recommended Reading & Films
NYU Department of Cinema Studies. Theory of Image and Sound (updated 2/14/2013)
Yale University. Film And Media Studies Program

Open Access E-Books

Film Studies for free. Film Studies for Free
