Must Reads Complete List Online.
Arnheim, Rudolph. Art and Visual PerceptionBazin, André. What is Cinema Volume II
Bergson, Henri. Matter And Memory
Bergson, Henri. Creative Evolution
Blanchot, Maurice. The Space of Literature.
Bergson, Henri. Creative Evolution
Blanchot, Maurice. The Space of Literature.
Blandine, Joret. Studying Film with André Bazin
Bordwell, David. Cognition and Comprehension Viewing and Forgetting in Mildred Pierce
Bordwell, David. Cognition and Comprehension Viewing and Forgetting in Mildred Pierce
Cassetti, Francesco. The relocation of cinema
Chion, Michel. The Voice in Cinema.
Chion, Michel. Audio-Vision
Chion, Michel. Audio-Vision
Chion, Michel. Film A Sound Art
Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 1. The Movement Image.
Deleuze Gilles. Cinema 2. The Time Image.
Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 1. The Movement Image.
Deleuze Gilles. Cinema 2. The Time Image.
Deleuze Gilles and Felix Guattari. Anti-Oedipus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Derrida, Jacques. Spectres of Marx.
Derrida, Jacques. Spectres of Marx.
Eisenstein, Sergei. The Cinematographic Principle and The Ideogram. (From Film Form)
Elsaesser, Thomas. European Cinema. Face to Face with Hollywood
Epson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity
Hiller, Jean. Deleuze and Guattari. Jean Hiller in Conversation with Gareth Abrahams.
Hutcheon, Linda. A Theory of Adaptation.
Epson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity
Hiller, Jean. Deleuze and Guattari. Jean Hiller in Conversation with Gareth Abrahams.
Hutcheon, Linda. A Theory of Adaptation.
Lyotard Jean-François.The Post Modern Condition
Metz, Christian. The Imaginary Signifier.
Metz, Christian. Aural Objects
Perez, Gilberto. Imperfection
Perez, Gilberto. Toward a Rhetoric of Film: Identification and the Spectator
Turquety, Benoît. Inventing Cinema. Machines, Gestures and Media History
Recommended Film Studies Reading List
King's College London: Recommended Reading & Films
NYU Department of Cinema Studies. Theory of Image and Sound (updated 2/14/2013)
Yale University. Film And Media Studies Program
Open Access E-Books
Metz, Christian. Aural Objects
Perez, Gilberto. Imperfection
Perez, Gilberto. Toward a Rhetoric of Film: Identification and the Spectator
Turquety, Benoît. Inventing Cinema. Machines, Gestures and Media History
Recommended Film Studies Reading List
King's College London: Recommended Reading & Films
NYU Department of Cinema Studies. Theory of Image and Sound (updated 2/14/2013)
Yale University. Film And Media Studies Program
Open Access E-Books
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